En Azlan bin Abdullah was appointed
to the Board of Directors of the
Company on 30 March 2004 as
an Executive Director/Group Chief
Executive Officer. On 2 April 2018,
he was redesignated from Group
Chief Executive Officer to Group
Managing Director. Subsequently, on
11 August 2018 he was redesignated
to Non-Independent Non-Executive
Director of the Company.
En Azlan currently sits on the Boards of Melewar Industrial
Group Berhad, MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad,
Langkawi Yacht City Berhad and several other private limited
En Azlan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business
Administration from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas,
USA and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from
Morehead State University, Kentucky, USA.
He started his career in 1983 with Citibank N A and in 1987,
he joined United Asian Bank (“UAB”) where he started and
headed the Treasury Marketing Unit. After UAB merged with
Bank of Commerce, he was subsequently promoted to Head
of Priority Banking Division and Branch Manager of the KL
Main Branch in 1992. In 1994, he rejoined Citibank Berhad as
Vice President and Head of Public Sector Division. En Azlan
was the Deputy President of the Malaysia Iron and Steel
Industry Federation (“MISIF”) from 2008 until October 2018
and was one of MISIF’s representatives on the Asian Iron and
Steel Council from 2012 until May 2018.
En Azlan has no family ties with any of the Directors and/or
major shareholders of the Company. His shareholding in the
Company is disclosed on page 30 of the Annual Report.
En Azlan does not have any personal interest in any business
arrangements involving the Company.
En Azlan does not have any conflict of interest with the
Company and he has had no convictions for any offences
within the past five (5) years, other than traffic offences, if any,
and no public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant
regulatory bodies during the financial year.